"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." – Danny Kaye

Dreams of Past Lives, Continued

Dreams of another life, one before your present incarnation, have a different feel and look about them.  The setting is a past era; the clothing, transportation, lifestyle and culture reflect that time.  You may even find yourself speaking in a language other than your current native tongue.  You have remembrances or see experiences of being someone else.  It is as though you are on a stage, living out a drama that is very real to you.  Images are clear and crisp.

As with all dreams, these have a specific purpose.  They do not come merely to entertain  or to stir up curiosity, although they do both.  They work as a vehicle to remind you of something important that you otherwise would not dredge up from your subconscious on your own.  You most likely are struggling with a specific frustration or anxiety.  You might have a path blocked or a relationship in jeopardy.  The past life dream shows you where those concerns began, the source of the lessons you are now continuing to learn.  Once you understand the source of your challenges, you can begin to work on them more efficiently and effectively.


Questions? A dream to discuss? Want to be notified when my upcoming book is published? Email me at chunsberger@cox.net. Visit my website at www.cathyhunsberger.com.  I tweet at http://www.twitter.com/bridgesecrets.

I’d love to hear your comments/suggestions.

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